The Trustable by Bluebox app provides Android mobile phone and table users, and any interested parties, with a security trust score illustrating how trustable the device is for security and protection of data.
The Trustable by Bluebox app:
- Provides a consistent and on-going method to measure the security properties and trustability of a device, including any known vulnerabilities
- Computes a security-centric trust score in a range of 0.0 to 10.0, based up on all discovered information, including the analysis of various configuration and settings information
- Provides specific instructions for users to improve their device trust score
- Enables users to make informed decisions on which vendors/devices make below-average or above-average security decisions
The types of items that are represented in the trust score:
- Known system vulnerabilities on the device
- Insecure configurations caused by the device vendor
- Insecure configurations caused by the device user
- The amount of pre-installed applications, third party applications, “bloatware”, and other excessive device population
As mentioned above, the Trustable by Bluebox app provides a security-centric trust score in a range of 0.0 to 10.0, where a score of 0.0 represents an insecure and un-trustable device, and a score of 10.0 represents a device following above-average security best practices and having a good overall security state.
You can see the full description of what specific security-related aspects of the device are measured and analyzed to create the trust score here:
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